Chirashi Sush

The other day I went to a recently relocated sushi shop behind Suitengu Shrine in Ningyōchō, Sushi Masa. My wife and I had been to the former place, located one block away, several years ago and found it to be okay but a bit on the expensive side. But after going past the new location nearly every day for the past couple of months and seeing their lunch menu outside, I finally decided to go. I don’t […]

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Sushi Yoshitake 鮨よしたけ

鮨よしたけ Sushi Yoshitake Another great meal at the main counter at Sushi Yoshitake in Ginza, this time with a 6:00 start rather than the late seating as last time. No more restrictions on serving alcohol, or business hours, which is a great relief to everyone in Tokyo, or at least every adult. Once again, no photos are allowed, so the list that follows of what we ate is from memory only. I have a feeling one dish may […]

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Dining Out in Tokyo, Mid-August, 2021

Dining Out in Tokyo, Mid-August, 2021 My wife and I wanted to go out for sushi the other night here in Ningyōchō. We needed someplace close, as it was getting close to 7:00, currently the time for last order at restaurants in Tokyo under the current corona restrictions. Or at least I think it is 7:00 last order; it is sometimes hard to tell by looking at what is happening most evenings with local places. I had […]

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