Hashigoro はしご楼

Hashigoro はしご楼 A new building full of restaurants opened last week in Ningyōchō, Hashigoro. It’s on the corner of Kinza dori and Ningyōchō dori on the site of a former shoe repair shop and something else that I don’t ever recall seeing open for business. It’s a Mitsubishi project, which surprised me as Nihonbashi is mostly Mitsui territory. It consists of five floors of restaurants offering all sorts of Japanese and foreign cuisines, each restaurant more or […]

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Happy Christmas (War is Over), October Version

Happy Xmas (War is Over) While walking around my home neighborhood of Ningyōchō this evening, and pretty much every evening since October 1, I keep thinking of John Lennon’s old song “Happy Xmas (War is Over),” a song that was originally meant to be a protest of America’s war against Vietnam but evolved into more of a song to celebrate Christmas. I do not think of the song in a Christmas context, not here in Ningyōchō, especially […]

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Dining Out in Tokyo, Mid-August, 2021

Dining Out in Tokyo, Mid-August, 2021 My wife and I wanted to go out for sushi the other night here in Ningyōchō. We needed someplace close, as it was getting close to 7:00, currently the time for last order at restaurants in Tokyo under the current corona restrictions. Or at least I think it is 7:00 last order; it is sometimes hard to tell by looking at what is happening most evenings with local places. I had […]

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Goodbye to 3Bis

Goodbye to 3Bis July 1, 2021 3Bis, one of my favorite places to sip nihonshu has come to an end.  Pronounced in French as trois bis (トワビス), this tiny former one car garage was a side project of the owner’s main business, the excellent French (or wa-fu French) restaurant Irreel (thus the French pronunciation of the word three). Although very small with no room even for stools to sit on, let alone chairs, this stand and drink […]

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