Soba Again!!!

After nearly two and a half years, I finally was able to make soba again this past Saturday with the Nihonbashi Konanokai (日本橋粉の会). The group had made soba a month or so ago, but I was in Oregon at the time. There were only ten of us this time, down from the usually fifteen or twenty people. And while we did have a small party after finishing making soba, we did not eat any of our production. […]

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Kanda Kikugawa Unagi

The other evening my wife and I went out to celebrate a birthday. Nothing too fancy this time, just unagi at a well known place in Kanda, Kikukawa. The restaurant doesn’t take reservations, which isn’t usually a problem. Unless, that is, you want to eat the extra-large serving of unagi, which tends to sell out early. The place being close, and the weather dry but with rain forecast for later in the evening, we rode our bikes […]

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